Water Service Line Inventory Continues Throughout the District

The Albertson Water District takes proactive steps and measures to continually safeguard our community’s water supply.

In anticipation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) forthcoming Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR), AWD has been taking comprehensive inventory of the materials used in water service lines across our distribution area.

Help Us Help You

The District is requesting the help of our customers to determine what type of water service line you have inside your home.

Necessary measures must be taken to test, report and replace any lead water lines that are in your home or business. It is important to note that the District has a robust program in place to control corrosion, regularly test and monitor water supplies for lead levels, even in areas with known lead service lines.

Town of North Hempstead Offers Replacement Grant

Grant dollars may be available to offset this cost should it become necessary. More information on the grant is available through the Town of North Hempstead Community Development Agency and their website, www.northhempsteadny.gov/CDALPRG

Checking Your Water Service Lines: Self-Certify

The District’s water mains and lines are not made of lead; however, it is important to check your water service lines in your home.


  • Magnet
  • Sandpaper, file or any object that can be used to scratch the pipe
  • Cellphone

STEP 1: Locate the water meter to determine the location of your water main, the pipe that enters your home or business from the outside.

STEP 2: Inside, carefully scratch the pipe’s surface with sandpaper to expose the surface if the pipe is painted.

Galvanized Steel

STEP 3: Identify the metal. If it is silver, use the magnet to determine if it’s lead or steel.

STEP 4: Use your cell phone to take a photo.

STEP 5: Submit your results

Watch a Video

Watch how you can determine what type of water service line is in your home:


Do you believe you have (select one):(Required)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, heic, Max. file size: 6 MB.


The Albertson Water District has a minimal amount of services that are not copper and these are mostly found in homes that were built approximately 100 years ago. If you have any questions at all, contact the Albertson Water District and we will accommodate your request.

(516) 621-3610